Once upon a time in the land of Villa Zacate, Basak Pardo, there lived a girl named Cherry Anne. Cherry Anne is the second child of a known businesswoman in the community. Cherry Anne’s ancestral house is surrounded by a lot of plants and trees since her mother is also fond of nature. Among those trees is a mysterious star apple tree that was planted in the1920’s. According to Cherry Anne’s ancestors, the mysterious tree is being occupied by supernatural beings, and for over 90 years, there have been various unexplainable happenings involving the said tree.
One afternoon, Cherry Anne and her friends were playing under the star apple tree. They were busy running around, shouting, carefree of the time. They continued playing until 6:30 in the evening. They did not stop playing until her mother called them and said, “Hey, kids! It’s late already. You should all go home and eat dinner.” After this, the kids went home as well as Cherry Anne.
When she and her mother came back inside their house that night, they ate dinner and had some snacks. Later that night, Cherry Anne went to her mother’s room shivering. “Mom, it’s so cold in my room. Can I stay here instead?” Cherry Anne said. “What happened, baby? Are you okay?” her mother replied. Cherry Anne was not able to respond because she fainted just when she’s about to enter the room.
“Oh my gosh, my baby!” shouted her worried mother. Because of this, her mother became really worried because her temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius and Cherry Anne was directly rushed to the hospital.
When they arrived at the hospital, they were taken cared of by doctors and nurses. The doctor asked, “What happened? Has she taken any medication before coming?” “No, we have not given her any, doctor.” And so, the doctors conducted several medical tests, but to their surprise, the doctors did not find anything wrong with Cherry Anne.
“Ma’am, we already conducted blood tests for Cherry Anne and the results are now with us. However, we are not sure what’s the problem with her because all tests showed NORMAL.” Cherry Anne’s mother was crying in fear because her daughter’s temperature is through the roof and then doctors were saying that there were no findings.
And then she realized, the kids played until 6 in the evening. She wondered, “Could it have been the tree?” She went home and checked with Cherry Anne’s grandmother and asked if it’s possible that Cherry Anne and her friends may have somehow disturbed the supernatural said to be occupying the star apple tree.
Cherry Anne’s grandmother confirmed of the possibility that she might have disturbed the supernatural being and was being punished. “You need to discharge Cherry Anne tomorrow. Offer a prayer under the tree and ask forgiveness for disturbing their peace.”
The next day, Cherry Anne was discharged from the hospital and then they immediately followed her grandmother's advice. They came to that tree, and asked for forgiveness to the believed supernatural being. Right after, they came back home and Cherry Anne’s mother asked how she’s doing. “I’m feeling better, mom. It seems that grandma's advice really worked.” With great relief, her mother hugged her and said, “Thank God! I hope you continue to feel better.
Since that day, Cherry Anne and her friends only play under the star
apple tree until 5 o’clock in the afternoon. They also do not litter in the
place as a respect to the said supernatural being.