Thursday, May 19, 2022



The Will of the River was a nice and helpful story because you can learn many things from it and it can give you confidence in your mind that you can do things that many people say you can't. 

As I came into the point that, 
Everyone is fighting with something, and we witness it at one point during the lockdown. We previously had a positive neighbor who prevented us from going out. My family and I were starving one day, but we didn't have any food at home and didn't know who we could call to buy us food, so we were starving. My dad and I, on the other hand, aren't tired of seeking for food or places where we may buy food.

When I saw the video, I saw a true reflection of my life. I can imagine that no matter what's happening in the world or in your life, you can truly live for it and not give up on any barriers that it may have. Because when you give up on one problem, it's like that you lose in a competition because you give up when you know that you can do it, and when you give up, you are like a loser who does not have any confidence that he/she can do it.

I observe that if you are doing one thing and some people say that you can do it and you listen to them, you will stop doing it. They are just trying to destroy your work. It is just a little piece of a cake and you can finish it now, but what happens is you stop because you are listening to the people that are just trying to destroy your work.

According to the video or story, no matter how many things have happened or how many bad things have come into your life, just focus on what you are doing and never listen to those negative words people have just told you; they are only trying to destroy your goal or your work. What we need in this situation is not to give up, because giving up is not a nice idea. We all need or deserve positive words that can make us confident in what we are doing. Positive comments can make our work improve or can make our day nice.

Many lessons are in the video, such as not giving up and not listening to those negative comments from other people that are just trying to lose or to destroy your work. My lesson to the video that I really want to add or that I am going to add to my mindset is to not give up on any barriers it has. Because i am that type of human, that is a crybaby who always gives up and does not listen to good advice for herself.

I just realized that giving up is not a good mindset, but sometimes people need to give up in one situation. But when you are in a situation that you really like, what your plan is, go through it, do it, you can do it. No one can destroy your goal or your work but you. You are the one that is making your future, so you are the one that gonna do your decision.

Xyrah Gail M. Abella
Gr. 7 Courage

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